Saturday, October 30, 2010

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is GOOD! His faithul Love endures FOREVER. Psalm 136

Outreach at a children's rehabilitation center

Reaching out to those living on the streets of Kampala

You may ask what breaks the Heart of God?
HIS eye is on the sparrow
Part of the team

Office for Not Forgotten
The long road to reach the children
Games during outreach

Medical care

Ministering through dance

Preparing food to take with us on the streets
The beloved Taxi Park
Though we may pass this man...God does not
Our friend who possessed the smile of an angel:)

Wow!What an AMAZING trip back to Uganda it has been!For the short time I was there I was privileged to encounter God opening many doors on behalf of Not Forgotten!I want to personally thank everyone who was praying for my travels and for God's blessings upon this new ministry in Uganda. We felt your prayers! Any time you press into something and begin something God has called you to opposition is bound to come. I witnessed first hand my friends going through various trials as we were pressing in and beginning this work, but God truly overcomes! Thank you for praying, I believe that is what sustained us all and has given us strength and joy in the process.

I arrived a few days after the official Launch of N.F.and it was reported to me that the night was successful! Many connections were made as the team shared the vision of N.F with the public. Also there were financial provisions that night that enabled the team to pay for the first few months rent in the new office space they had found. The office is in a very good location right in the middle of downtown Entebbe.
After my arrival we began coming together for meetings where we discussed the next steps we felt God leading us to. We knew first off we were to focus on the neglected in Kampala, especially focusing in on the children living on the streets.We also wanted to do outreach to the elderly who are living in poor conditions in Entebbe- which is right in the city where most of the group lives. We began collaborating on how these specific outreaches would look like. We really felt like God's direction in this beginning phase was to not be overwhelmed, to do what we could do now with what He has equipped us with and to take one step at a time. In every vision God gives there are BIG plans and dreams of the future, but as God has revealed the heart that is in the smaller beginning steps are just as large and important as the grand future plans. With this peace we began taking the steps that were before us. Committing to what we could...We also began researching different ways to raise funds and receive financial support in Uganda for Not Forgotten. A few from the group with experience in this area began writing up a proposal for a grant specifically to help fund an outreach to help build proper kitchens for the elderly that are in need in Entebbe. This is something that is very important to Ugandans and is a big need for those who have no place to cook and some who don't even have a stove to cook on. We plan on working on writing up more proposals and researching other types of grants especially for the Kampala area since we will be doing much work there. We also spoke about putting on a dance competition for NF to raise funding and also to get the word out even more to the public about who we are...Another step we plan on taking is getting in touch with other organizations that are already established and doing the same kind of outreach we want to do.We hope to build that connection and friendship with these other N.G.Os and to also learn from them as we are truly on the same team with the same pursuits. There are two that we are looking at- one is called RETRAK and the other is called Dwelling Places.
Our outreach has began first on the streets of Kampala.We went out as a team divided up into small groups and went about the city with Ugandan food in our backpacks and small toys. It was joy unspeakable to see the beginning steps being taken in this heart felt dream and to actually begin reaching out to others. We came across many small children on the sides of the street with their hands cupped open waiting for change to fall into their grasp.We were able to give them a little food and a small toy. We also prayed with many we came in contact with and were even able to provide some medical care to individuals with untreated wounds as we were blessed to have with us another missionary Kelly Rompel who works in the medical field.On this journey through the streets we came across a few homeless youth, one of which was very high and addicted to some kind of inhalant.As we were walking by he caught all of our attention and we saw him in his high state trying to wrap a dirty old newspaper over a wound he had on his knee. We also got to visit with an older man who was homeless. We found him lying on the side of the road surrounded by trash.This guy had the BEST smile and the sweetest spirit!! Makes me wonder sometimes just how often we really are entertaining angels. There were also a few elderly woman and young mothers we came in contact with. You know the one thing that all of these that we reached out had in common was there pure and immense GRATITUDE for what we were doing. The repeating words that were spoken were,"GOD BLESS YOU". It baffles and humbles the spirit to see these individuals acquainted with suffering, yet speaking blessings over us. I have seen this grateful and sweet spirit so often upon those on the streets in the U.S. as well. I truly believe just as it says in God's word that one day we will be seeing those in this world who are first will one day be last and those who are last on this earth will one day be first.I am also reminded of the story of suffering Lazarus who lay at the rich man's gate. This whole outreach was such a blessing and the beginning steps to this vision. I believe one day we will rejoice as God enables us to actually help individuals get off the streets completely, but right now God has pressed it upon us to start where we are at and offer the great hope and love that we have IN HIM right now...Another HUGE door that God has opened has been a door to a rehabilitative center in Kampala. It is a place where they bring street children and kids that have committed usually only minor offenses.Some are sent by parents, but many of the children are orphans.This place is not kept well. Most of the children have had very hard and difficult lives and before coming to this facility many were living on the streets. We felt strongly as a group that God wanted us to focus not just on the streets in Kampala but also to focus and pray for favor to get into this place to minister to a large group of hurting kids...and HE has opened this door!! After seeking out and meeting with the top person at this center through God's AWESOME favor he signed a letter stating the doors were open to us at this place!! We made our first visit the day before I was to get back on a plane and boy was I glad to be able to make it for this outreach! There were about 13 of us who went. We had to rent a taxi van to get there. The trip to this place takes about an hour and a half in good traffic.It takes you far out into the bush where you have to turn onto a long dirt road off the main highway. For most of the group this was there first time arriving at this place.I had already been there a few times on my last trip to Uganda. After we all introduced ourselves and explained who we were the group began ministering in different ways through dancing ,skits,singing,teachings,games, treating infected wounds and different health problems etc.-(please pray for this as we saw many severe+ infected wounds). There was much laughter and joy which is part of our aim in coming to this place. To lift some of the load and the burden from these children's shoulders and offer them eternal HOPE. We want to build those relationships of friendship with these kids and share the Love of Jesus. Please be in prayer for the government to take action in properly caring for these children and that God will move mountains and make the changes whatever they may be in turning this place into a place FILLED with HIS LIGHT and HOPE for these who are being brought here. Please pray that these children in the midst of where they are at in this season of their lives will know God and His immense Love for them,that they will be protected-body,mind,and soul,that those who are sick or have infections and wounds will be healed, and that God's strength,peace, and joy will be upon them now and forever.Please pray that these children coming to this place will be set apart for GOD. The team for now has been able to visit this place weekly- truly by the Grace of God. Transport alone takes about $70 American dollars, that's not including water and food for the group. Our hopes are if able to begin bringing food for the children at times. Please pray that finances will continue coming so that the group can continue this great work not only at this facility, but also on the streets of Kampala. Also if you find yourself praying for the group...please pray for strength,protection,health, personal jobs, and a continued outpouring of God's Spirit,Power, and Love to strengthen them. Please pray also that their families and those who they are caring for right in their homes will have all that they need and that they too will be protected.
Wow. This is where God has led us the past few months and what an adventure it has been.Thank you for your time,prayers,thoughts,and love. If you would like to help in any way with what is happening in Uganda through the ministry of Not Forgotten you can contact me or The Cause. I will put both e mail addresses below. Thank you for taking the time to read this.:)
Bless you,
~Kelly Carranza~
My e-mail:
The Cause:
(To Donate -go to The Cause's website,click on donate,where it says "General" scroll down to "NOT FORGOTTEN-Uganda" and finish donation by card.Or you can send a check to The Cause by mail.Make check out to The Cause and specify by note that you want to donate to Not Forgotten.All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt in the mail.)